How It Works

Non-Invasive, Non-Chemical, Pain-Free, Focused Energy

The Equiscope utilizes micro-current technology to help heal the body on a cellular level. Because it utilizes small electrical currents, there is no pain during its therapeutic application - in fact, it can be relaxing!

Your body is an electric circuit continuously sending signals to your brain. That’s how your cells communicate and make it possible for you to move, think, and feel.

When Injured, an Inflammatory Reaction occurs

Cellular response:

  • some cells are lacking the voltage they need,

  • their ion channels are unable to function properly, and

  • necessary nutrients are bypassing the area.

An Electro-Equiscope scans your cells in your body (instead of simply delivering one-size-fits-all energy) and identifies depleted cells causing the inflammatory response.

It then creates the exact opposing waveform characteristic that’s needed to neutralize, normalize, and restore damaged cells to health.

We use various plates and protocols to input energy to the exact places necessary.

MicroCurrent Technology

Humans and horses share something in common in regards to how our bodies operate: through electrical currents.

The micro-current device utilizes the smallest current ever recorded, which is the electrical level our bodies neurological system operates within. This is the output level of the machine we utilize for therapy, the Electro-Equiscope®.

Research has proven that after cells are stimulated with current in this smaller “pico Amp” range, they end up having a higher capacitance (the ability of a system to store an electric charge) over time, and were healthier as compared to cells treated with typical electrical-stimulation therapy (such as a TENS device). Since the smaller current allows the cells to store more of the charge, this additional charge makes the cells healthier and enable the body to heal itself dramatically quicker.